Best Esthetician Schools Near Bloomfield, California
Below are the top ranked esthetician schools in the surrounding areas of Bloomfield, California
Address: 3300 College Dr, San Bruno,California, San Mateo County, 94066-1698
In-State Tuition: $1,288
Out-of-State Tuition: $11,340
Full-time Enrollment: 9,428
Graduation Rate: 41%
Admission Rate: N/A
Programs Offered: 1
Available Esthetician Degree Programs:
Aesthetician and Skin Care Specialist
Esthetician Degrees: Certificate
Online Esthetician Degrees Offered: None
Esthetician Salary in California
Annual Median: $37,170
Hourly Median: $17.87
Data sourced from Career One Stop, provided by the BLS Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics wage estimates.
Percentile | Annual Salary |
10th | $33,050 |
25th | $35,030 |
Median | $37,170 |
75th | $46,820 |
90th | $64,000 |
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Rohnert Park, CA
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Healdsburg, CA
Sonoma, CA
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San Anselmo, CA
San Rafael, CA
Napa, CA
Larkspur, CA
Corte Madera, CA
Mill Valley, CA
American Canyon, CA
Tamalpais-Homestead Valley, CA
Vallejo, CA
San Pablo, CA
Richmond, CA
Pinole, CA
Hercules, CA
El Cerrito, CA
Benicia, CA
Albany, CA
Berkeley, CA
Fairfield, CA
San Francisco, CA
Emeryville, CA
Martinez, CA
Clearlake, CA
Suisun City, CA